Changing exercises and tools

Changing exercises and tools.

The human figure is a small child, As we have already mentioned several times, best known from experience. It expresses it bypassing many individual features. Later, he performs in parallel with the human figure landscapes, interiors and still life.

These exercises can be performed in various techniques and this enriches the work, makes her more interesting. We face new technical problems with the same exercises and topics.

Therefore, we should not be limited in this respect, contrary, Tools and techniques should be constantly changed, paper species, their size, etc., because this prevents you from getting used to one way of work and protects against routine.

Even if we carry out the same or similar topics and exercises in the new technique, We encounter new difficulties and issues, And this stimulates the child's creative inventiveness. Of course, the time intended for one technique within a given exercise must be determined by the teacher, And that's it, so that the child can learn a given issue and penetrate the technical subtleties, and it has not been bored or used, which always leads to mechanization and schematization.