The issue of painting materials.
An important condition for obtaining good results is the right selection of materials for work. Usually too little attention is paid to the importance of such matters, like a species of paper, Type of pencils or paints etc.. Most often, children and water paints are given to children to work, And these two materials are not suitable for the child's work.
There are various tools and species of material; Some of them are perfectly combined with each other, other than others. When using some, we will make it easier for the child to achieve good results, When using others, we will make it difficult for him to work. The teacher should orientate in these technical issues and in these matters, in which the child has no experience, watch over the purposefulness of choosing.
There are species of rough and smooth paper, white and colorful, absorbing water and nonsense, lightly and heavily glued. Sangwina can be used in the field of drawing tools, black pencil, with a pen, with a stick, brush, graphite. Dry pencils come into play in the field of paints outside the water, tempera, Gouache and ordinary glue. Brushes should also be used various, In addition to watercolor, you need to buy Szczecin, Small and big, flat and round. The correct use of these materials will largely decide on the result of the work. In exceptionally favorable conditions (Bristol).