Color issue.
Tuning colors in the image, their binding and setting in a live painting relationship - this is a difficult task, whose professional painter studies for many years. In the color team we are always dealing with a highly complex and busy material, in which the expression of the first color depends on the next one located, And both are the same on the third, etc., At the same time, the size of each color stain plays an important role here. In the picture, which has a good relationship dependence, the values of all colors operating simultaneously must be felt. The arrangement of these elements is never done by accident. This also cannot be calculated in any way, You can only feel. Should not be forgotten, that there are no standards and rules established in this respect, and each right solution must grow out of individual sense.
How does the child senses these values? Nobody teaches him, no one can show him any way of solving, It must resolve these matters and set it by itself, through an individual sense. Adult, When he makes the image, He also does not find out from anyone, how to play a set of colors in the image. He senses it and does subconsciously. Thanks to its own experience, it is sensitized to colors and sets its own palette, which he expresses his intentions. Modeling on someone else's solutions does not give positive results, contrary, only leads to bad. Gets used to the easy, superficial solutions, deprived of creative effort and therefore usually sterilizes and manners.
The child solves these tasks, as well as an adult man through an instinctive sense, And thanks to work, he expands his own experience in the field of these issues.
The child is therefore characterized by great sensitivity not only in the shape, but also to color, so for all phenomena noticed by the sense of sight. With the freshness of the young, It is clearly noticed by all differences in nature. Has a good memory, can characterize objects and phenomena, And also has lush imagination and transpires his experience in a picture correctly built by the sense of painting contrasts.
However, psychologists have not yet explained these complex processes, which takes place in the child's mind and imagination during the creation of the image, D may you have to wait a long time for their explanation, It is already today we can state the existence of these facts. They point to the very great development opportunities for these properties of the child's psyche, which are not yet noticed by general and be destroyed by life. But for everyone, who penetrated the content of children's paintings, It becomes clear, that they usually contain great compositional values, which you can't learn, and which are born with human consciousness and are the product of his individual, creative intelligence.
Average teacher, not oriented in painting matters, He will probably assess these matters in terms of purely external compliance of the image with nature or at an angle of the so -called. purity and diligence of essay, not in terms of the mentioned painting values. So often he will assess the child's work negatively, which is particularly good and individual. Will condemn a separate and surprising way of seeing reality, which is a great painting advantage, It is perfectly used in every creative implementation. Similarly, it will not feel the differences resulting from the separation of the child. And yet the results of the child's work are always associated with his intelligence and the type of temperament.