Decorative issues.
In addition to typically painting exercises, you can conduct decorative exercises at all degrees of learning. We can realize them with a brush, with a pen, black or colorful pencil, tempera or glue, on paper, but also in such techniques, like a cutout, ceramics, Fabric print, etc..
The child has a lot of feelings of rhythmic values, So it will easily understand it, how to perform these tasks. They boil down to the rhythmic repetition of several elements, So, for example, a man, bird, plants, in a certain system. Naive and unnaturalistic forms, with which the child speaks, They are especially suitable for this type of work.
We have several decorative systems, namely: hairdressing, symmetrical, concentric and asymmetrical. They can be designed as detached exercises made on paper, but they can be implemented on a specific item and in the material.
We will often help us in these exercises.
These exercises should be done like that, that the child would compose his work completely on their own. So you should not be based on some strangers, even the most beautiful designs.
There is a difference between the picture and the decorative composition.
The image expresses a segment of true or thoughtful reality, However, in the decoration, we emphasize the rhythm of the ordered elements and thus’ We create a related decorative compositional whole.
The decoration is an extremely plane system, However, the image may suggest a third dimension. In practice, however, these are quite liquid limits.
The child performs great, And often very beautifully decorative solutions. In the first drawings of the child, decorative trends are usually marked in the very intake of the form. By using these child imaging properties, they can be developed. We start with preliminary simple exercises on paper, in which the child learns the basic compositional systems, gradually enriches and develops them, And when he has learned this type of work, can go to implementation in specific materials and on specific items.
When we undertake complicated exercises on specific items and in materials, So ceramics and print on fabric, it is advisable, Alby, the child first made a sketch, in which a decorative concept is outlined, and then went to proper implementation in the material. With larger solutions, he can develop a project after making a sketch, and then the right composition. Drug, which the child is going through, leads to free improvisation in the sketch to an increasingly defined final performance, However, it is advisable, that the moment of improvisation and minor changes in the form exists in the course of all work, in each repeated part.
The most simple decorative technique - is a composition made with a stamp on paper. The cut -out is also an easier technique. Improvisation and a moment of surprise play an important role here. We only see a part of the composition in the cutout, which, as a result of folding paper.
Any technical difficulties should be reduced to a minimum. So you can prepare material for the work, the color of the color, Tools etc.. You can also limit funds, So the number of colors up to two or three, You can simplify the forms, which he uses. Such simplifications will always give good results, However, the very concept and all of the implementation should be independent, Creative work of a child.