Child's sensitivity.
We have already talked about the child's sensitivity to painting issues. We distinguish the child's sensitivity in observing the phenomena of nature and in the field of painting values, with which it speaks, as well as personal sensitivity to the teacher's impact, so for praise or reprimand. Well, we have to tell ourselves, that in this case we are dealing with a very complicated instrument.
Child observation ability, His sensitivity to the impressions received from the environment is fresh and not dull. The child sees perfectly, what's more, He remembers the observed forms perfectly. In this respect, it often exceeds an adult, whose observation and memory are stired and tired. Children's drawings, even completely small, They are often incredibly true, can be seen, that they were created thanks to the lively observation of forms and seeing the nature of phenomena. If the images have deficiencies in this respect, apparently the observation was too short, disturbed, etc..
The child may not understand, What does an item mean, what is its practical application and what properties in general, But he sees his character and form sharply.
It should also be said, that the child has a large dose of sensitivity to all kinds of formal image values. It often puts a few colorful spots next to each other with such intense soundness, what a professional painter can envy him, Or it arranges such a beautifully laid out network of lines, he can envy him a professional graphic designer.
The life of the lines and stains of colorful in the images of primitive man is amazing. Horses, reindeer and mammoths, The hand of the Paleolithic era drawn on the rocks, They are much more vivid and have more direct expression than the drawings of many scholars.
The child also operates with a line and colorful stain in a simple way, direct, so with all the volatility and life of these elements. We speak then, that it is sensitive to lines and colors.
But there is also the issue of purely personal sensitivity of the child to the judgment of his work. The child generally recognizes the authority of the elderly. Believes, that the elders know everything better and can do better. Teacher, which in addition has a pedagogical tact, is a great authority for children. Knows everything, and all his judgment has the weight of the final judgment. Kid, Even if he does beautiful things, is not aware of the values obtained. One word of negative assessment spoken by the teacher ensures them, that it did its job badly. The ratio of each author to the work performed is personal and cannot be completely objective and critical. The same applies to the child. It consists in assessing others and if this assessment is absolute and brutal, It can become devastating. Can cause a deep trauma and inhibition, working even after years.
We have already talked, how often the inhibition in this regard is caused by the brutally spoken criticism of the elderly, parents, older siblings, older colleague or teacher. They criticized or ridiculed the child's work and discouraged them for years to this subject. These accidents are very common and frequent.
Removing such inhibitions can be extremely difficult. The child has fallen down and he works badly badly. Does not speak freely, is embarrassed, He is afraid or ashamed, It ranges and changes the concept, He finally spoils the well -started work.
In such cases, the child can only be healed with praise. You have to praise many times unsuccessful results, Until it is removed from the child's psyche, unpleasant and harmful obsession.
However, there are such children, which are characterized by special cute observation, extraordinary memory or more sensitivity to painting values. Each team has such units and they stand out very quickly on the head of the band. But the most talented children are threatened with danger again. Due to the ease of building an image and proficiency in expressing intentions, talented children often succumb to mannerist habits. Instead of creating new concepts, they repeat and mechanize old or skillfully imitate various other people's forms, which causes bad results.
The teacher's task is to counteract all such distortions. Therefore, the gifted children should be particularly supervised. Art matters are extremely sensitive and from the best results to their serious distortions or irreversible destruction is less distance, than generally supplied. You should not forget about it, that the most talented units are constantly threatening various mistakes and shortcomings, And in seemingly unable to be born, an extremely good concept and implementation may be born any time. Picking up such a moment may decide on the further course of the allegedly incapable or handicapped child. So you should never be categorically determined in advance of these matters.
Separate issue, which is worth mentioning, It is a matter of applying drawing and painting for educational and therapeutic purposes in handicapped children and such, which have difficulties in expressing a spoken or written word. In these cases, this object may become a great stimulating means to express your thoughts and experiences a child. It can also become a great medicine for a mentally ill child. You should not only use any schematic and learned (imposed) form, but you have to wake up authentic in the child, creative statement, unrestricted with any restrictions and ready -made designs. This would cross the goal of work and could become a source of many difficulties, misunderstandings and finally great evil.