Interior and landscape study

Interior and landscape study.

Further topics suitable for working by nature are the interior and the Study of the Landscape. It can also be mentioned only about the naive interpretation of both topics. This exercise is not much different from the show previously carried out. Same as in those ones, we start working by discussing the subject of imaging analysis. So we pay attention to the nature of the whole, planning details, The color of individual parts and the whole.

After analyzing the topic, the children proceed to the image, But now in the field, with the ability to control your work and compare it constantly with nature. In discussing the topic, we compare individual parts of the landscape, We determine their similarities or differences for the better seeing the nature of the phenomena, but just like in still life, In the landscape, this work will initially be not very different from the show and only with time will become a bit more work "by nature".

In this way, the following exercises can be successfully conducted: sketches of a human character in motion, Sketches of animals and birds and flowers sketches in color, without prior drawing.

These last works should not disappear the nature of notes. So they are short sketches made in drawing or colors. They should tighten the child's observation and at the same time stimulate them to enrich the created painting compositions.

All "by nature" exercises should be treated as compositional issues, filling a specific rectangle (sheet of paper). So although we are slowly approaching the expressing of a specific space, viewed in certain light conditions, We should not overestimate the moment of expressing the object itself, But our goal is still a comprehensive and harmonious goal of playing the plane of the image in the painting sense. Konkretna Natura, whose image will gradually solidify, It is still just an excuse and canvas, against the background of which painting and compositional issues take place. So we are still interested in the way of imaging and planning the image elements, Setting specific contrasts, Construction of the plane structure, light, Its concentration or dispersion, The ratio of cold to warm colors and the way they are contrasting, etc..

We do not value the image for his photographic accuracy. We are interested, whether the child on the canvas of the image saw some own way of seeing the phenomenon, So if there was something to say about it; whether he survived the observed nature and its own work and whether it has been transformed by emotion in his own way.

The image should always be painting unity, formal concept, creation of internal discipline, which every living and working body has. Of course, we do not reach these values ​​from any theoretical assumptions and a priori set theses, But we are trying to do so, that the child's statement flows out of sincere interest, and even delight and was an expression of deep experience and emotion. After completing the work, we can and should examine it and analyze it in terms of these basic demands of live art.

In any case, the work of "by nature" should not lose the spell of beautiful children's painting and, as in previous years, they should dominate painting values, not reproductive tendencies.