Image themes on lower steps

Image themes on lower steps.

On the lowest degree of teaching, in kindergarten, some specific topics will not be distinguished, which would be particularly suitable for development. They can only be simple tasks, such as: Mother at work, children going to school, that is, topics to a child well known from experience, at which the focal point may be the human form. The child draws these topics from memory. But let's not expect, so that the child describes the characters with some more accuracy of the characteristics. Characters completely different will present the child in a similar way, because it will build them on the basis of the same general concept. Only with time the differences and individual characters will be increased. It was generally accepted, that during this period, children can be illustrated by fairy tales. However, you need to consider, Is it really right to transfer their imagination to the sphere of fairy tales, that the content of the images made should be known to children from experience, Avoid telling them such fairy tales, which would transfer them to the world of foggy and unknown forms. Children can start creating unclear images, corresponding to the unreality of the story. Such stories are much better, in which ordinary and specific things happen, known to a child with experience, and such specific, real topics there is an inexhaustible amount.

It is right, To make read stories have a lot of literary value, Only such stories arouse the most victim in the imagination. At last, And this should be reconciled, Any task and any story can be the lowest degree of teaching only a pretext stimulating to work. The child begins to develop a given topic, But having encountered some difficulties, he changes him and returns to repeating the images already made. We have to reconcile with this, that different topics will dress a child or in the same, or in a very similar picture robe. And this should not be surprised or opposite. The child, by the way, repeats the assimilated, and insufficiently developed concepts and thus staggers them. But when the level of the group is already aligned, and the band was harmonized, When it has an intensive work mood in it, it is even when using the playing method, which is particularly advisable to this extent, There will be less and less such inhibitory moments, Children will get, It is better to determine the differences and more and more compositional variants will be created using the same concepts.

In any case, illustrating fairy tales and stories, At the same time, children should be left in the implementation of the drawing and paintings a lot of freedom. And you never have to impose or suggest any specific forms; The sky can not always be blue, but also green, and pink, and orange or purple. The same applies to the body and color of any other object. In all these matters, you need to leave the child the freedom and decision to link a given form with the environment.

The sense of the matter and the wealth of solutions will be here for finding new ideas and new painting dependencies by children.

Only the schematically understood world has established forms for individual objects and phenomena, However, there are no restrictions or indications for this creative and personal experience of the world, how to understand and how to express this world.

In addition to illustrations of stories and fairy tales, you can draw and paint very ordinary and simple moments with the same result, Known to a child from everyday life.