Technical issues.
In the work of the youngest children, we can take a fairly large format of paper without fear, np. 30X35 albo 35X40 cm. Work accession should not restrain a child. It must get used to it, that he can not only make small images, but also larger, drawn with a momentum.
We change various types of paper gradually and systematically, and the same and various techniques. It is advisable to draw with a pen, with a pencil or a bristle brush in black temperature. We can draw with a black pencil on light paper, but also white on dark. All varieties are desirable. The child occupied with the novelty of the technique forgets about the compositional difficulties and thus works better. Of course, we cannot exaggerate in the variety of techniques. You have to be moderate here. The change should be made then, when there is a specific need in this direction, ie. when the previous technique has already been well absorbed.
In the field of painting, we can successfully use colorful pencils, opaque paints, tempera or adhesive, as well as sticking colorful papers and fabrics. It is advisable to combine these techniques.
In any case, you need to avoid the faulty combination of drawing and painting techniques. Drawing made of color should not be dyed with colors. The drawing remains until the end of the drawing, And the painted image should be built from the beginning with colors. Coloring the drawing can go into the habit of mechanically repetition of the once expressed form, so it can cause dying of life in the picture. Each new form and every new phase of this form should be fully creative and revealing.
Using such techniques, like sticking colorful papers and fabrics, Avoid suggesting a child, what color should it use for a specific item. The child must choose the color each time. And in this technique you have to take into account the danger of naturalistic imitation and you have to prevent it. If there is, for example, a human figure in the subject, should not be determined in advance, that the face and hands will be flesh -colored. Such bringing the issue to a primitive template cannot give a good result. The face and hands can be expressed in any color. You need to trust the child's creative ingenuity and he should not receive the satisfaction of solving color problems independently. Children have a lush fantasy and a lot of sense for color issues and you do not need to restrict their ingenuity, At most, after doing work, you can consider, Which solutions are better, and which less good. So do not prejudge the case in advance and impose on the child a ready color. This kills his creative fantasy and inhibits independent development.
In the assessment of the work performed, it is necessary to maintain great relativity. Any solution in line with the child's temperament and the degree of its development is good. Therefore, that there are various individualities in each team, numerous individual solutions must be recognized.
Individual techniques require a specific procedure. For example, we make small drawings with a pen. The pen gives a thin, readable line. A team is formed in the drawing, mesh of the lines, which thickens or dilutes and must be set in balance with white parts of the paper.
Pencil drawing is a more difficult technique. A pencil drawn form the child begins to erase with an elastic band. In this way he lubricates and dirty drawings. In addition, when drawing a pencil, he usually uses a pencil, As with writing. When drawing, however, keep the pencil completely differently and draw lines differently. The drawings with black pencil or sangwin are better. Soft and wide lines are formed, the intensity may be more variable. The drawing takes on more painting features.
Covering paints are very good. They should be made quite dense, so that they can significantly hide. The teacher must have understanding for the properties of individual materials and techniques and should watch over the correct way of using them. He must prepare all materials for children, so that they do not distract these activities and to prevent bad preparation of materials. As for covering paints, The teacher should give children the paint threatened in cups, which they should not dilute with water too much. Excessive amount of water is destructive here.
Watching the technical side of materials should of course not reduce the teacher's vigilance in the field of important painting issues.