Picture by nature

Picture by nature

A strict study by nature can be implemented without harm to the development of painting in adulthood, namely after 14 years of age. Umysł jest już wtedy zdolny do przeprowadzenia ściślejszej analizy zjawisk i

Picture from the show

Picture from the show.

A temporary form of exercise, which leads from the image from the imagination and reminders to the study by nature, There is a picture from the show. This exercise is about it, that items, which we intend to illustrate, we observe, analizujemy ich

Picture by reminder

Picture by reminder.

Exercise slightly different from exercising in imagination is the image by reminder. The difference is about this, that in the first exercise the work was done on the basis of the story, However, we are currently based on reminding things seen in nature. Chodzi o

Storage of work

Storage of work.

The school team must be ordered to store the work of students. The more that the issue of assessment of work is connected with this matter.

It would seem, że ten szczegół w naszym przedmiocie nie ma większego znaczenia i nie wpływa

Technical issues

Technical issues.

In the work of the youngest children, we can take a fairly large format of paper without fear, np. 30X35 albo 35X40 cm. Work accession should not restrain a child. It must get used to it, that he can not only make small images, ale

Image themes on lower steps

Image themes on lower steps.

On the lowest degree of teaching, in kindergarten, some specific topics will not be distinguished, which would be particularly suitable for development. They can only be simple tasks, such as: Mother at work, dzieci idące do

Image size

Image size.

The opinion has been adopted, that children should make their paintings on small sheets of paper, not exceeding the format of the school notebook. This is a false view. The size of the card, on which the child makes his image, depends on the material and the tool, which he uses. …