Comparison system.
It is quite obvious, that there are no isolated phenomena in the world, contrary, They are all related to each other and condition each other. In the world, we know by seeing dependencies and differences. We must not underestimate this simple and not requiring any comments of truth in the child's painting.
We see the character of a straight line thanks to its combination with a curve, The character of the wheel thanks to the combination of it with a square or triangle, and the sound of a cold color thanks to its combination with a warm. On the principle of contrasts, we recognize phenomena and on the basis of contrasts we build clear images.
Well, in the teaching of our subject, the importance of these principles is often forgotten. It is often recommended for children to draw a detached object and color it with local colors. If the item was reproduced in isolation from the background and superficially, It is often considered, that the task was completed well.
However, we can always see objects surrounded by the background, And never in isolation from him. Our feeling of the shape of each object and its color depends on it, On what background we watch the item. What's more, The easier we will understand the shape of a given object and the meaning of a given color, The better we compare them with the neighborhood. Thanks to this, we will perform a drawing or painting task properly and correctly.
The child will easily determine the sphericity of an object, If we combine it with a flat contrasting form. So you should always draw not a single item, but a few items - what's more, Objects seen on the background. That's how we see reality - and only with this method we will get good results.
Even at the lowest level of teaching, therefore, you should strive for this, for example, a child in his paintings to compile a house and a tree, man and dog, etc., and also, To determine, On what background are these items. This matter may seem to be unnecessary and prematurely complicating the task. Someone will say, that each item has different forms in specific internal parts and that it is better to limit yourself to isolating one object. But if we consider, that the child has no difficulty in speaking in the drawing and color, that he will always do this task in his own way, So he will simplify them and adapt them to his abilities and will always get his own way out of difficulty, We will also recognize it, that there is no reasonable reason to narrow the topic, which can be seen and properly understood. It is our important task to set up work (yes in the play system, as well as in more serious teaching methods) that way, that it would be devoid of dead patterns and superficial observation.
Therefore, the child should always be in work with the imagination, Even in your most -duties of your statements, create overall images. Besides, you should not be satisfied with the same or several items, But you always have to think about the issue of the plane, about filling the card as a whole image. The child will easily understand, that not only the scored object has some word, but also the empty space of the card. You have to pay attention to both. And this applies to all types of exercises.