Like decorative exercises, you can conduct sculptural exercises at all degrees of teaching, If the working conditions and discipline of the team allow it. Material, which we use for this, It's plasticine and sculptural clay. However, there is no doubt, that clay is much better for making. It gives more opportunities.
Sculpture, which children do, it cannot be large. It will therefore be a small sculpture. The subject will be a human figure, animal, bird and such items, which can be linked to the listed topics. For example, we will give a few: Farmer behind the plow, sailor, pies, wrestlers, clown, mower, blacksmith, but also: gate, tombstone, border pole, etc..
The child carves with the same ease, with which he draws and paints. The nature of these sculptures is the same, as in painting works, Synthetic and naive. The detail is most often not and cannot be developed, However, the overall outline usually has a lot of expression.
The child basically senses the lump of sculpture. If we pay him attention, that the sculpture should formulate, so that there were no openwork in it, because only in this case, If it remains a compact block, will not fall apart, The child will build a compact whole. For example, you can sculpture, for example, dancers, which has arms and legs thrown out, demonstrate after a few days, When the clay begins to crack, and the limbs break off. Such an example will be the best explanation for the need to preserve the sculpture in a compact block.
Sculptures made in clay must slowly dry in a cool place. After drying, they can be fired in a ceramic oven. They can also be successfully polychrome before burn and after burning.
The sculpture should be static, ie. Its base must be strong, and the main axis set so, to prevent expansion.
The child's sculpture resembles a folk sculpture with its character. Belongs to the same unfriendly species, primitive sculpture, which, thanks to its simplicity and directness, has a lot of charm and expression.