Movable clown

Movable clown.

Movable clown: a) clown parts, b) Way of connecting parts, c) Other toy designs.

We cut the clown from cardboard or plywood according to the pattern shown in the figure – a. Before connecting, Pames of the clown should be painted with ordinary school paints as desired and your own fantasy. Connect the parts with a strong thread or thin string in the way given in the figure – b (Crosses mean connecting the individual parts of the clown, while continuous lines – connections of clown with a thread or a string forming one whole). Clown moves, pulling the string hanging vertically. You can tie a bead at the end of the string for easier pulling by the string, Round dowel or rolled paper roller. If we make a clown in a small dimension, And from below we will attach a safety pin – We will get a funny brooch for a little sister. Other tearing projects are shown in the figure -c.