Storage of work.
The school team must be ordered to store the work of students. The more that the issue of assessment of work is connected with this matter.
It would seem, that this detail in our subject does not matter and does not affect the child's work and progress. And yet it is not. It often happens, that the teacher quite well conducts the subject of his work by underestimating this detail.
Children generally attach great importance to the assessment. It is an external and visible sign of their progress, which shows them, How they did their job. Good rating is therefore the best incentive, and evil most effectively discourages further work. Therefore, the assessment may either positively affect the child's response to the subject, or to interrupt interest in it forever.
An ambitious child enjoys a good assessment of his work, all the more so in the team, So in front of many witnesses. Even if we explain to children, that the assessment should not be attached too much importance, because they work not for praise, but to do good and beautiful things, The assessment will become the most eloquent sign of recognition or condemnation and you have to clearly realize it.
The use of a bad assessment in this subject is most often risky and usually does not cause improvement in the student. He only confirms him in my opinion, that he lacks ability. A bad rating can only be used in completely exceptional cases, In the event of a wayward, passive resistance. But even then a bad assessment, However, just and deserved, will not fix evil. We will get much more persuasion. If the teacher took the right attitude towards the subject, This will immediately acquire this part of the class for themselves, which works willingly and from a sincere passion, And this mood will be given with time and the rest of the children. Essentially, What we have already emphasized, We do not "teach" this subject, But we only produce the atmosphere, in which the child's innate abilities develop. Praise, Patient and persistent persuasion in the child, that he is on the right road, that he makes progress, that he is approaching the target, is the best means of influence. In class, in which there is a good mood, A bad degree is not right. It should be very good and good. If the teacher has to resort to told and give bad grades, Meaning, that either he works in inappropriate conditions, or he can't create a good atmosphere.
In the discussed object, a very important thing is an element of the child's creative joy, and awakening it is the teacher's main task, So how to reconcile the existence of a bad grade in the class!
Of course, there are impaired children, not very intelligent or lazy, which is difficult to get to any work. But most often they are sick children, which should be treated above all. We will not heal them with a reprimand and bad rating. What's more, convicted illusion, that the child achieves results, It can become the beginning of healing.
As we have already mentioned, The issue of storage of completed works is combined with the assessment of the assessment. Each student except normal accessories, So feathers, crayon, paint, brushes and a block, He must also have his own files for storing work at school. New works are put off each time for these folders, and by the teacher qualified as good. The fact of taking work and putting it into a briefcase or a return is therefore the first, initial assessment.
The teacher should easily and accurately distinguish the work conscientiously done from the weak and falsely understood. At the end of each lesson, Within a few minutes he browses all work and put it good to the folders. When the child sees, that his work was accepted, He is satisfied and the more willingly takes to the next one. If the teacher cannot call a good job, and does not want to discourage the child, He should accept it subject to, until it is better done. It can be a great excitement for further efforts, The rejection can be unpleasant and discouraging. And therefore work should be rejected rarely and only in the event of a final necessity, and never constantly the same child.
Putting down even weaker work to folders is and therefore advisable, that later it may turn out, that these works gathered in greater quantities become more convincing, Thanks to the outlining in them, previously not noticed, individual features. Advantages, which we did not see in individual works, They can reveal their separate character in more work.
In general, judging the results is only possible after reviewing a series of work of the student, which were collected in the briefcase. Happy is of little importance, and an accidental solution obtained in one work, However, this is important, whether the individual character is outlined in a number of works and progress is visible. It is important to find it out, whether the individual works are equally alive and creative, And if not, what is the reason. You have to find the answer, To remove the cause of evil and give the child a chance of normal development of his personality, his way of feeling and understanding the world.