

There is a framework and detailed curriculum in schools. In relation to our subject, you should also set a rational program, but taking into account the specifics of the subject.

In each team we are dealing with different individualities, which develop differently, and the teacher should be constantly bending to individual units. The program should not therefore limit the teacher or direct work to narrowly understood tracks, because in many cases it would become harmful. The program arranged according to topics is also inappropriate. It is impossible to argue topics from easier to more difficult, because only the performance can be easier or more difficult, not the topic itself. Toddler, As we have already mentioned, He starts his work with the most difficult topic, Because from a man. It is therefore indifferent, in what order the child will work a number of topics, will he draw a horse first, and then the factory, or vice versa. The program should not be set at all on the basis of topics. Such a program would not fulfill its role. It is important, so that the child could constantly, according to your own interest, take up, which are most interested in them, which he knows best of observation. So he works not to learn these topics, but therefore, that he knows them and can develop his painting statements on this basis.

So it is indifferent, in what order will we set topics, But it's not indifferent, How will the child perform them. The youngest has the least developed observation ability, And he lives above all with imagination, So he has the right to the greatest freedom at work. Over time, when the child develops the ability to observe and compare, So in later years, Exercises can take on the character of a study of nature, But it will still be naive. Therefore, the program should include: For younger steps, drawing and painting from the imagination and by reminder; - for older steps, drawing and painting from the show and by nature. The teacher's influence in the sense of managing work increases gradually and aims to develop and enrich the individual characteristics of each individual.

Mark at the same time, that the interrelation of exercises cannot be stiffly set. The work moves in the indicated direction, But individual types of exercises overlap themselves, And it will often be inevitable to return to previous types of exercises. In this way they intertwine with each other.

Technical matters are important issues of the program. They should be set in accordance with the child's development. During school years, a child should learn a number of drawing and painting techniques and their specificity, to finally find this technique, which suits him best. The program must therefore take into account the drawing with a feather, black pencil and sangwin, brush, stick and pencil, and in the scope of paints you can take into account temperans, adhesive paints, pastels and finally watercolors (well and in the excitation of the puncts of the oil color).

Children are very happy and very well drawing with a pen, brush and crayons. These techniques can be used in the early school years, On the other hand, drawing with a pencil should be due to the difficulties associated with this material and the very often occurring bad habits of wiping and losing the drawing to move to higher years or at all abandon. Practice shows, that painting techniques are easier than laser, Therefore, it is more suitable for younger children and glues, and for older watercolors.

The number of techniques given here will diversify the work of school years, but they should not be treated schematically. They should be associated with each other and you can always go back to a known or favorite.

The biggest difficulty for the proper setting of the program, And for its implementation is to create a logical development path from a very free image from the imagination, which is not embarrassed by any imposed restrictions and is maximally free and -uncommon statement of a child about his ideas, Dreams and longings, for a more organized work based on a specific observation of nature and its painting expression. In exercises based on a specific observation, we are aiming at expressing a specific reality seen in a specific setting of items, in a certain lighting and in general in all proportions of the observed felling of reality, But it is still not our dead goal, photographic reproduction of this reality. Her image, However, it is approaching a specific topic, should not be deprived of the features of individual vision, as well as some naivety in capturing and expressing it. From the beginning to the end, the child's statement should maintain the painting character and the beauty of honest, a personal statement of a naive being.

Going from one phase of the program to another, and the implementation should also be liquid. Talking about reality in an increasingly concrete way is getting worse gradually and almost imperceptibly. The child should not be forced to jump, He should rather mature and systematically in his painting work, The most important thing is to expand the value of painting statements, so the flourishing of her purely painting beauty, not a description of a specific reality.

The program should not create any rigid and embarrassing restrictions and compartments, or rather, it should be a discreet canvas, on which the child's more and more beautiful work is created in a mood full of freedom.