In the field of child's painting, work in a team has a huge advantage over individual work. Only very small children, which do not yet understand team coexistence, They draw memorized in loneliness. Kids; who learned team life or among the siblings, or in kindergarten, They work more and better together. They also develop faster, because they see many solutions at the same time.
Children's teams should not be too numerous. A group of thirty children seems to be too great. In this number, it is difficult for the teacher to master the whole and see all important, characteristic and critical moments. Fifteen children seem to be the best team to create the right mood for working together, a teacher possible by the teacher. Only a very talented teacher, having a lot of experience in this subject, It can manage a large team of children well.
After some time, the units are standing in the team after some time, which stimulate the team, and even lead it, facilitating the work of a teacher. However, determining and explaining this, which units are leading, lies in the hands of the teacher. He may indicate significant values and the best solutions and in this way may even decide on the determination of opinions as to individual works, and therefore also their authors.
But there is a danger in this. The teacher may be wrong, may have his personal preferences or views, which are not necessarily correct. So he should never impose his opinion on the team, Or rather, the opinion should be determined by joint discussion and evaluation, only managed by the teacher.
One must constantly remember about the relative rightness of our courts and about it, that the same thing viewed in different conditions will introduce to us differently. For example, if we watch two works from afar, one made vigorously or even brutal, and the second delicate and intricate, The first one will seem better for us. If we watch them up close, The second will show us its advantages. In fact, they can be both very good or very bad.
So watching, Comparing and discussing work with the whole team must be managed skillfully and with great awareness of things. Only in this case the grades will be correct and intentional and we do not make a mistake by putting the unit's team on the forehead, which do not deserve such a distinction.
In any case, the team as a whole should be a creative and decisive factor, And the teacher should take into account the team's factual arguments. Children are direct and honest, Therefore, their opinion can be accurate and given without prejudices. You have to give them the opportunity to comment and, in turn, bring out arguments and justifications in a matter -of -fact discussion, which should be, Of course, Always adapted to the team level.