Technical issues.
In the work of the youngest children, we can take a fairly large format of paper without fear, np. 30X35 albo 35X40 cm. Work accession should not restrain a child. It must get used to it, że może wykonywać …
DIY play
In the work of the youngest children, we can take a fairly large format of paper without fear, np. 30X35 albo 35X40 cm. Work accession should not restrain a child. It must get used to it, że może wykonywać …
On the lowest degree of teaching, in kindergarten, some specific topics will not be distinguished, which would be particularly suitable for development. They can only be simple tasks, such as: matka …
It is difficult to determine, which exercises in a child are preliminary exercises. He scribbles and draws some bumps completely spontaneously in an early age. You could think, that this is an insignificant activity, which has no more serious meaning. A właśnie …
We have already talked about the child's sensitivity to painting issues. We distinguish the child's sensitivity in observing the phenomena of nature and in the field of painting values, with which it speaks, as well as personal sensitivity to the teacher's impact, a więc na pochwałę …
The opinion has been adopted, that children should make their paintings on small sheets of paper, not exceeding the format of the school notebook. This is a false view. The size of the card, on which the child makes his image, depends on the material and the tool, which he uses. …
An important condition for obtaining good results is the right selection of materials for work. Usually too little attention is paid to the importance of such matters, like a species of paper, Type of pencils or paints etc.. Najczęściej daje się dzieciom do pracy ołówek …
In the field of child's painting, work in a team has a huge advantage over individual work. Only very small children, which do not yet understand team coexistence, They draw memorized in loneliness. Kids; who learned team life or among the siblings, Whether …
It is quite obvious, that there are no isolated phenomena in the world, contrary, They are all related to each other and condition each other. In the world, we know by seeing dependencies and differences. Tej prostej i nie wymagającej żadnych komentarzy prawdy …
We have already mentioned it, that the child makes paintings willingly. It usually does spontaneously. You don't have to encourage him to do this, because she entertains him and passionate.
However, wanting to watch over this work and give it a direction, zwłaszcza …
Tuning colors in the image, their binding and setting in a live painting relationship - this is a difficult task, whose professional painter studies for many years. In the color team we are always dealing with a highly complex and busy material, …