Critical period
We have discussed the work of a child in the age 14 years of age. It is a closed period of children's naivety, which suddenly breaks off. Teachers often find out about it, who state in surprise, that the child, which has been working well and well so far, starts working worse, and after some time he loses its interest in his work completely.
More or less in 14 a child's change occurs, which we have already mentioned several times. Kid, which was naive until then and worked with faith in the meaning of his work, matures and begins to see, that all his current work is naive and valgus. From such a moment, the child is unable to work in the current sense, And because it does not have a needed maturity to undertake an academic study, stops working.
Even the most talented children, which without any effort and with great satisfaction made beautiful paintings and sculptures, this critical moment, when it appears, crosses the course of work.
A question arises, How to respond to this phenomenon and how to conduct a child through this critical moment without prejudiced for his work, You have to realize clearly, that the period of children's naivety cannot be extended in any way beyond its natural limit. You cannot and should not be a naive creativity system artificially supported and extends beyond 14 about a year of life. Since then, it starts, As we have already mentioned, A new stage of painting statements, based on a strict study by nature and in accordance with the practice of an adult.
So at the moment, in which the child noticed the clumsiness and valgus of his previous works, should start working differently.
If several units of the team are starting to experience this critical period, You should abandon at all to make paintings and sculptures with the whole team, In order to move attention to other issues. They perfectly fulfill this role in the field of applied art. Instead of spatial images, we can take a large decorative task with the whole team. It will be the best way out of a difficult situation. Children have not yet lost live fantasy and a sense of rhythmic values and therefore they will be able to do (Also as a team) very complicated decorative tasks, and TE, especially when they are implemented in some noble technique, They can take us even a longer period of time. So you can take intensive and systematic work in ceramic technique, in graphics, batik or prints on fabrics. Even a year or two devoted to this type of exercise can be perfectly used and we can get the results of unexpected, and at the same time we will lead the whole team for a difficult period, not allowing the breakdowns.
In this way we will avoid unpleasant conflicts, We will maintain faith in the team in further possibilities of speech, under any circumstances the most beautiful existing.
A team lived in work on these new tasks will survive in good shape a critical period, Meanwhile, it will mature to take a strict study by nature in 15 or 16 years of age (in exceptional cases - a little earlier).