Picture from the show

Picture from the show.

A temporary form of exercise, which leads from the image from the imagination and reminders to the study by nature, There is a picture from the show. This exercise is about it, that items, which we intend to illustrate, we observe, We analyze their form and then play them from memory. This exercise requires focus, a certain analysis of the observed object and therefore can be successfully used at older degrees of child learning, So after exercising with imagination and reminder.

We use dead models first for these exercises. We choose them or on the principle of kinship, or forms contrasts. In the first case, we will get a number of images of related items, However slightly different from each other, In the second - a composition reminiscent of a typical still life. If we have prepared, for example, a number of different jugs, which we have to draw or paint, We show them to children and discuss their shapes and color, and then we hide these models, while children express them from memory. We carry out observation in this way, that we pay attention to the basic similarity and changes in details. The child states, for example,, that all jugs have a similar basic spherical part, on which they are embedded in various ways: neck, beak, The handle and basic disc. Such drawing the child's attention to similarity and differences exacerbates his perceptiveness and allows him to express a number of objects with quite a lot of individualization. The arrangement of these fragments of the image can be made very differently.

The composition of still life is a much more painting task. Therefore, we choose several basically different items, which we watch and analyze successively. Children find, that, for example, the towel lies horizontally on the table and has several characteristic folds, The bottle is standing, She is slender, high and dark green, And the apple and pear are two small ones, Round accents, slightly different in shape and color.

After discussing this data and determining the nature of the background and the horizontal plane, on which these items are set, We encourage children to compose a whole whole of these elements with any item. We usually get good results, because children in an ingenious and painting way compose such a picture. We have to leave them a lot of freedom here. Children have a good memory of shapes and colors, But at some moments above observation, fantasy and the child distorts the observed objects, which does not diminish the beauty of these dead natures. Experience shows, that, for example, black and white chessboard can be painted once in red and white once again in yellow-green colors. These matters should be treated with understanding, Attaching weight primarily to painting and compositional matters.

Kid, having the freedom to compose, often distorts certain moments, because he likes him better in a different ranking. This should not be opted, because the purpose, which is tightening the child's observation, We get slowly and on a larger time. However, the moment of choosing and looking for beautiful combinations and solutions is an important parallel task.