Picture by nature
A strict study by nature can be implemented without harm to the development of painting in adulthood, namely after 14 years of age. The mind is already capable of conducting a closer analysis of phenomena and for more conscious image creation.
I have already mentioned, that this method of painting work, corresponding to the psyche of an adult, and generally known under the name "Academic Painting Studies. I discuss this type of training in it, Starting from the most beautiful concepts and exercises to the independent creative work of the expressive painting, or unreasonable (in question and pointless). These exercises can be successfully taken about 15 years of age.
In the final phase of the naive period in the child, So between 10 i 14 year of life, You can start preparatory exercises for "Study of Nature". However, these exercises are still a primitive character. We start working with a still life study. For this purpose, we set several appropriately selected items on the table, which constitute the whole composed on the basis of the contrast of subject forms.
We choose them this way, that the differences between them are clearly visible and emphasized their mutual expression. And so, next to the drapery lying softly on the table, we set hard and vertical items, like jugs, bottles, etc.. Next to small items - larger etc.. Fruits have different shapes, vegetables, Flowers etc.. So we can arrange such objects in a contrasting whole. It's about composing forms in this way, in order to create a shape and colors opposition and the painting dependence is visible. So we compose still so, that the levels clearly oppose the verticals and bevels, entangled forms - simple forms, Large bumps - small, warm colors - cold, etc..
We discuss the model of still life with children. So we vividly analyze its individual parts and a given set of items as a whole. We are thinking about the shape of individual objects, We set their differences, Their mutual location, coloring and attitude towards the background. After discussing the topic, we proceed to the implementation of the image, The model of still life remains in front of the children. For a number of years, they made their images with great freedom and relied only to some extent on the observation of nature, So they can't suddenly go to a strict study of nature. Although we discussed the topic with the children and conducted a picture analysis of both the whole, and details, Although the model remains in front of their eyes until the end of the work, express it with great freedom. Despite the conducted observation, Children are usually absorbed by the very implementation of the image, So they forget about the model and go to work from memory. Only after many such exercises will they be able to support their work on a model. After a long period of time devoted to these exercises, children will perform still lifes in accordance with reality, but seen and expressed naively and individually. And so it should be.
Painting vision of reality is not tantamount to photographic vision of this reality. The image of still life should not be deprived of naivety, nor the features of children's temperament.
Nothing more harmful, like pedantic and seemingly strict, and in fact, impersonal reproduction of reality. This position leads to naturalistic manners and for the child's development is very harmful. It is not allowed to forget about it in the final phase of education, that the child worked properly and very beautifully in the early years. It was guided by your own sensitivity and created images full of painting charm, and so in the last phase of this period, Although it approached more specific forms, should not fall in its work these basic painting values.
Therefore, therefore, increasing visual acuity gradually, You should beware of all the dangers of naturalistic sterilization of the image. Work results should not only be correct, but just as painting, as in previous years. To find an individual line in the child's development, So we must combine the last work with performed in earlier years. Thanks to the comparison, we will determine, whether the nature of the work is similar and are they an expression of the personal development of the same student, or do they show back, manner and disappearance of painting values. If this comparison of the child's old work with present showed the disappearance of painting values and sterilization, You should examine well, what is the reason for this. In this case, you need to discover the source of evil and remove it at all costs. Naturalistic tendencies are the reason for such sterils.
If the teacher can properly conduct a preliminary talk and pay children attention to the differences existing between individual subjects of still life, If in this way he wakes up interest in them in these differences, which result from the opposition of shapes and colors, Children will more easily determine the nature of the objects expressed. To achieve these results, the teacher must learn to compose still lifes, and also must develop visual sensitivity to forms and the ability to experience emotions because of these moments. When he possesses these abilities, He will also be able to wake them up also in children.