About imagination exercises

About imagination exercises.

Exercises in imagination are unlimited. The child is experiencing all stories, He is happy to talk about them and then expresses them. So, for example, the child is to develop the thread of the story, at which the focal point is the human figure, And next to this animals and landscape. The child chooses from the story given to him, usually completely individually, moment, which suits him best, and expresses him according to his preference and sense. Therefore, the topics should not be strictly specified and narrowed. To, what is difficult for one child and what he is happy to avoid, The other is just answering and does not cause special difficulties. In this way, very different images arise from one story. The child's interests tell him to carefully observe shape and color is one, it is again a different item and in this respect it is best to leave him freedom of choice. The child chooses his favorite topics, and by repeating them a few times, it perbsles up their form. The teacher should rely on the child's will and rather watch, so that it does not unnecessarily waste time developing topics, which he does not know from observation or who are not interested in him. You can always highlight some details in each illustration, and others can silence or skip. It is not important to illustrate some chosen moment of story or event, but the process of making an image.

At the lowest degrees of team teaching, the greatest discrepancies in terms of the topic intended for development will emerge, Each child can make the image thematically completely different from the same story. The same applies to the nature of the form; One child is interested in the rhythmic system of character movements, Other - decorative moments or expression of the word or color and finally fragments of the landscape or interior, against the background of which the action takes place. Each of these details can appear in the child's imagination in a clearer vision when telling and discussing the subject and then it will express him in this way.

The teacher should emphasize the nature of the shapes and colors of the objects in his story. The story should not be literary, but above all painting. It is about that, that under the influence of a living story he appears in the child's imagination a fairly bright painting picture. Depending on the disposition and the stage of advancement, every child should express it differently, However, always in the painting sense, not literary. The child willingly returns to the started story and continues to continue her. Therefore, stories can be tied into some whole. In this way, the story is stretched through a number of lessons. Children expect such a story with interest, They see images more and more vividly in the imagination and the easier they express their experiences in the images. In this way, thematically related cycles of images made by children may arise.

Of course, topics can be suggested in a planned manner. Once, we emphasize the human drawing in the story, his movement, Another time again the shape of the plants, equipment or animals. Once we emphasize the shapes of the items themselves, other times the proportions of individual parts or their coloring.

If the children do not perform exactly the moments of the planned teacher, They should not take it for bad. Or the story itself did not cause a fairly clear image in their imagination, or surpassed the child's statements. The most important and ultimately decisive is not, Was the subject intended by the teacher was made by all children, but that, whether all of them worked with interest, whether they make progress in terms of painting and whether as a result of work, rich and diverse painting material in the form of drawings and paintings was obtained.