Learning a play system

Learning a play system.

We have already mentioned it, that the child makes paintings willingly. It usually does spontaneously. You don't have to encourage him to do this, because she entertains him and passionate.

However, wanting to watch over this work and give it a direction, Especially in the youngest years of the child, You can successfully use the learning method through play. The child will not feel the presence of the pedagogue, because he became a companion of fun, and he will work under his direction. You just have to leave your child the freedom to survive, and this is not about any specific games, but for painting fun classes. It is about creating a carefree mood, independent, child's creative work. There is no doubt, that the mood of freedom and amusement will create favorable conditions for the uninterested impulsive statement of the child. However, the mood of serious teaching could easily contribute to the atmosphere of coercion, inhibiting the child's natural survival and the freedom of his speech.

The older and more advanced in painting work, the better he understands the meaning of this work. Has learned its capabilities and finds more and more preferences in this activity. It will get better and better on the work performed. The teacher can take the case more and more seriously by discussing various tasks, and can lead the team in an increasingly organized way, bypassing the mood of instruction.

If we consider it, that at the lowest degree of teaching (so during the kindergarten and the first school years) In the child's mind, only the basic elements of the image are formed, that he gives him satisfaction, the mere combination of these elements, not always related to a uniform and legible whole, we will understand, that the mood of cheerful fun is the most favorable to the formation of these elements and repeating them for perfume. The child entertains seeing characteristic differences between various types of lines, geometric forms and shades of colors. The action of compiling and opposing these elements is not without educational moments, And when the child can create images of a specific topic from these elements, His joy is intensified and this encourages them to have new efforts.

In this way, in the mood of cheerful fun, The creative imagination of the child and the ability to build images are developing well and effectively, whose topics are related to the life of a child. The child's painting abilities develop properly, and the teacher is not an intrusive and disturbing mentor, but a very desirable organizer and a companion of instructive fun.