Carnival masks

Carnival masks.

Carnival masks: a) Half of the form of glasses, b) mask, c) mask-black.

The carnival mask is an eye or the whole face like a man or animal. Masks, as well as hats or cotillions, They are a decorative element of carnival games. Form of carnival glasses (in the drawing – a, half of them are shown) Draw on a tracing paper, Then move it to colorful bristol or cardboard. If you don't have colorful, You can paint white bristol with poster paints or ink in any color. Cut the circuit of the mask and eyes. On the sides, Cut the holes with a hole, through which you thread a ribbon or eraser. Mask – You can decorate glasses with brocade around the circumference, in the middle and on the sides. Sprinkle places previously smeared with paper glitter. Remember, that glitter is a tiny colorful slide, So don't take it directly to your hands.

The mask shown in the figure – b, is made of cardboard or thin cardboard.

After transferring the form to cardboard (1 cm in the drawing equals 2 cm in reality), Cut it out, and in it – Eye holes. Make incisions in places marked in the drawing with a continuous line. Bank cut, Apply on yourself and sew with a staple or glue with paper glue – in this way you will get the mask's convexity. Cut your nose and bend it in the placed dotted line, Then paint the hat and nose with poster paints, Select eyelashes and lips. On the edge of the hat, you can glue the fur belt or finely cut pieces of yarn.

You can make a mask -chiefs depicting various animals by form.

Draw the form on a thin carton and cut its circumference. Make an incision in the places marked in the figure with a continuous line. Hi – a, cross with a part – c, Hi – b, Apply to the top of the parts – a i c. Protruding part – b, bend inside. Slide with clips or sew with threads. Do the same on the opposite side. Depending on this, what animal has a mask-man to present, Cut out a cat or hare, be the beak of the bird (e.g. stork or parrot). Make the cuts marked with a tray line on the side of the mask, Put the ears in them and glue them with a hat from the inside. In the case of a bird, make an incision marked with a tray line at the front of the mask, in which put the double -glued beak. Do not stick the beak at the base, Just get narrow stripes, which, when put in the appropriate cuts, spread and glue on the inside of the mask. On the side of the mask-topics, draw or glue your eyes cut out of colored paper. Gutting the hare or cat on the front of a round nose with a mustache. Make a mustache with black threads, smeared with office adhesive, To make them stiff. From the inside, on both sides of the mask, glue the ribbons, strengthening them with a strip of paper – They will be used to bind the mask under the chin.