Copper wire chain

Copper wire chain.

Copper wires of different diameter are the best material for making the chain, which can be easily obtained in any service electronic institution. We will start work with the selection of the pattern, which can be one or several repetitive motifs- (Wire bending methods are shown in the figure).

A well -constructed chain cannot be torn or cut about it. It should be flexible enough, that it does not deform when inserting and taking off. In order to strengthen the chain, individual cells can be soldered or gently patted on a smooth metal pad.

The combination of chain cells with burned wooden or diagonally cut discs made of thin pine branches is very good, spruce, cherry, plum etc.. The finished chain must be painted with colorless varnish.

Copper wire chain: a) link patterns, b) Ready chain combined with pieces of wood.

Wire bending methods: a) with pliers, b) in a vice on the thread, c) on the pipe, d) with a fork, e) various types of cats for bending the wire, f) bending the wire on kittens, g) bending the wire in a vice: attachment of the wire in protective jaws in a vice, Long wire with your hand first, and then finish with a hammer at the bending site, With the bending of short rods, you can use to protect the tube, h) Performing eights.