Cotillion – daisy.
Cotylion Stokrotka. To get a flower shown in the figure – d, The middle of the flower should be made first. Fold a piece of crepe in half and roll it into a roll (drawing – a, b). Then prepare the crepe bar with dimensions 15 x 10 cm. Fold the shorter sides in half. Starting from the complex side, Cut the crepe into short and narrow stripes (drawing – c). Wrap such a cut strap around the previously prepared Rulonik-Środka Flower (drawing – d). Pose the whole flower with a thread similar to the color of the crepe (drawing – e) or glue with a paper glue cut at the beginning and at the end of the crepe belt.
Cotillion – daisy: a) A piece of crepes to the center of the flower, b) Rolled roll – Ready center of the flower, c) crepe bar with dimensions of 15×10 cm cut into narrow stripes (flakes), d) Ready Stokrotka, e) sewing the base of the flower.