If we constantly treat the object properly and leave the child sufficient freedom of speech, The mood of general interest in the subject is created in the WNET team. Noble competition and favorable mutual stretch of children will be born. If such an atmosphere is created in the classroom, Children will support each other and develop their abilities together. Less capable under the influence of a good example will benefit, while often providing evidence of ingenuity and accuracy of the shot. With a well -understood role, the teacher should not be in the class of any child reluctant to draw and paint after some time. Claim, that children are unable, disqualifies the teacher.
However, the most difficult is the discernment, What are we allowed to call a good, and what is a bad solution. It is very often considered, that a good result was obtained by the child, when his work became similar to the average, banal statements. Also often, What we have already mentioned, The neatness and purity of the drawing are identified with a good result. But these and other such moments have nothing to do with good painting achievements.
The teacher should not in discussing the work and in judgment of them to allow the view to be determined, that a child or some form of the image is in the classroom ideal worth imitating. Contrary, It is very recommended, that the teacher could demonstrate, that there is a number of different possibilities in the solution to each issue. If he can prove, that the most intimidated and seemingly unable to be praised is praise, because he showed a certain possibility of creating an image independently, will meet a very right and important moment of teaching. However, you need to be able to see this kind of moments and prevent them from being lost and disappearing at the child's work.
Discussing works should be as factual as possible, at the same time you should allow free discussion and exchange of sentences of the entire class. After performing a certain work or in the course of it, you can watch and discuss all the class work. You have to ask clear questions, which the answer is sought. For example: which works clearly talk about the topic,’ which are the most vague in colors or which have been played with the most delicate combinations. The more different questions, the better.
No one should be discouraged by pointing his mistakes in the team. It is very desirable, that the view would be established, that each solution may have different advantages. Demonstrating specific and justifying errors in the most talented students while emphasizing the positive moments of their work, You can create such a serious mood in the classroom in a short time, that even completely open discussion of mistakes will not be discouraged by anyone, and students will start understanding, that you can also learn from mistakes. However, there is always a matter, Is our assessment right and whether it specifies really important errors from the point of view of the painting. Only such a teacher can have the right judgment of work, who gained some knowledge in this field, So a certain painting culture.
You can vote in the classroom to determine the best work in the team. This should not be afraid, You just have to take care, that the court would be correct. How to do it? Let's suppose, that the team eliminated the three best works by voting, the first of which has the largest, second average, and the third smallest number of votes. For a statement, was the court fair, You need to conduct a discussion about their advantages. After such a discussion. The teacher brings and explains in various ways, But he doesn't impose his opinion. The imposed courts are harmful. You have to not only find out, that something is good or bad, But you also have to see and understand it. If there is a job in the first place in the voting, it's necessary to, accepting it, look for the causes and justification for such judgment. However, take care, so that the class ideal is not stabilized.
You can also successfully use an individual correction carried out during the work. Of course, you should avoid template grades. To lead the student to the right path and make sure in it, You need to find the best part in his work, discuss its character and thus encourage the rest of the rest to a similar performance. In the work of every child we will always find such a happy place, on which we can resist to show him a further path. Even in the least crystallized individuality after a few attempts, independent forms will be created, which will determine, on what line it should develop. It is about finding this individual line above all.
Artistic judgments are very difficult, They require a lot of expertise and highly sensitive artistic making. So it is impossible to imagine, so that the teacher can lead the subject well, If he is not artistic in terms of artistic terms. He doesn't have to be an artist himself, But he should learn modern views on the issues of art and know the rights of the creative process in a child. He will find out over time, that every child has painting abilities, it only has them to varying degrees and set differently. Despite the activity of all children, However, the teacher will finally decide about the results. A good teacher will have good results, Children will work badly in bad.
In the correction you have to constantly pay attention to this, is there no foreign influence in the work of a child, is it not modeled on anyone, And also - more importantly and worse - does any of the elderly improve his work.
Explaining the improper of such behavior in both cases is necessary.