Who doesn't like to play, when you are "nahn"? The period of carnival is a great opportunity for this. However, this one, who wants to ball, It must have the right presence-a comprehensive and witty carnival outfit is a guarantee of a successful ball. Do not count on stereotypical costumes, which you can buy in the store. Your ball can be started at home, spinning among the papers, tissue paper and crepes. Own invention and ingenuity are important. I only offer you decorative elements, You have to think over the whole thing yourself.
Paper and tissue paper hats.
The carnival is a period of play, masquerade and balls. An indispensable element of every ball or fun, regardless of age, There is a hat. When applying a hat on the head, we often move into the world of fairy tales, fairy tales, legends or films. You will need Krepina to make hats, thin colorful bristol or thicker colorful paper, scissors, Paper glue and stapler with staples. Here are some hats suggestions, which you can quickly do before the ball.
Carnival hat with a plume.
Pully hat. Hat shown in the figure -e, can be made of colored paper or bristol. Prepare a 60x x40 cm rectangle. Fold the longer sides of the rectangle (drawing – a). Fold the upper horns, that they will go down in the middle of a rectangle, and the bottom sides, reach up as shown in the figure -B, Their corners, bend and glue (drawing – c, d). The hat can be decorated with a plume made of colorful crepe, whose way of execution shows the figure. 68f. Cut the roller of the crepe in the middle of its length. Through the center of the roller, along, pierce densely with staples. Cut the corners of the crepe with scissors, giving her the shape of a pen. The sides cut obliquely into narrow stripes, Starting from above – The cuts should reach staples. After cutting the whole, beat the crepe, and the obtained plume glue or sew with a thread on the side of the hat.