Preliminary exercises

Preliminary exercises.

It is difficult to determine, which exercises in a child are preliminary exercises. He scribbles and draws some bumps completely spontaneously in an early age. You could think, that this is an insignificant activity, which has no more serious meaning. And these first paintings, outlined by the child's clumsy hand, They are his preliminary exercises, in which he is offered to future and more legible statements. In this first period, the child acquires the ability to draw various types of lines, geometric forms, etc.. elements. You never know, When the child dealt with the first difficulties and surprises us with an already organized and built form of some object. Observations over the team of children in kindergarten are informative. In such a team, children always have some of their own painting experiences. Have already developed their own concept of a given subject, but they also borrow it and only slightly change it. Children repeat their drawings and gradually expand them. Changes in these paintings are slowly taking place, no sudden jumps. Of course, in the team it is always possible to see someone else's concept and accelerate this path in the construction of your own image. If the child noticed a differently organized concept at his neighbor and better applied, can be used in full or partially, It depends on the degree of maturity and preparation of the child to accept such a change. And these influences are inevitable, and often useful.

Some children, however, paint long and unorganized images. Each such kindergarten team will find children on varying degrees of development. So some will create legible images, Others will scribble and scribble in an illegible way.

It is clear, that one method of dealing with all units cannot be accepted. We must constantly take into account individual differences. Some children will work well on a given topic, Others bad, and others will only pretend, that they perform the task. It will not be difficult for us to observe the awaiting child's view, anxious, and directed towards the teacher. In this case, an awkward pedagogue may, in one word of a negative assessment, move the child to a long time from further team work. On the other hand, he will encourage them to join and convince them of the rightness and accuracy of his work. It can state in a delicate form, That, that his image becomes good, Further supplements are needed. You need to embolden the child and you need to make it easier to overcome the deficiencies. The pedagogue must understand, that the child should be upheld, to regain balance and a chance to equalize the rest of the team. The teacher should take care of such inhibited children with special care, They should immediately notice every progress made by them, praising them for it without fear. Only in this way will include a delayed child in the work of the whole team.

Therefore, in a non -balanced team, inhibited units should be protected against further discouragement and give them a lot of time for slow and systematic complementing of deficiencies. The pedagogue must show vigilance and patience here. You can spoil everything with an order and rape. With abandoning violent methods and when armed with patience, the teacher will get relative to the team after some time. Gifted children will continue to stand out and there is no need to inhibit their development, However, weaker units can work differently, and with full enthusiasm.

If the teacher obtained this behavior, that all the team's children are interested in the subject and show activity at work, The most important obstacle has been overcome and further work becomes easy. The road in front of the children has been opened and now they should move on their own, Step by step, over the years, with the tender and very delicate care of the teacher.