The issue of designs

The issue of designs.

From the very beginning of our considerations, we emphasized, that the child should work as well as possible. The less foreign influences reach his consciousness, The more authentic will be his statement. Odnosi się to do wpływów złych

Critical period

Critical period

We have discussed the work of a child in the age 14 years of age. It is a closed period of children's naivety, which suddenly breaks off. Teachers often find out about it, who state in surprise, that the child, which …

Painting topics

Painting topics

We discussed several typical exercises and the issue, how they should be made at individual stages of child development. We tried to discuss exercises in the general outline, sufficient to understand their purpose and method of implementation. Ale możliwości dziecka nie kończą się na

Changing exercises and tools

Changing exercises and tools.

The human figure is a small child, As we have already mentioned several times, best known from experience. It expresses it bypassing many individual features. Later, he performs in parallel with the human figure landscapes, interiors and still life.

Ćwiczenia te mogą być

Interior and landscape study

Interior and landscape study.

Further topics suitable for working by nature are the interior and the Study of the Landscape. It can also be mentioned only about the naive interpretation of both topics. This exercise is not much different from the show previously carried out. Tak samo

Picture by nature

Picture by nature

A strict study by nature can be implemented without harm to the development of painting in adulthood, namely after 14 years of age. Umysł jest już wtedy zdolny do przeprowadzenia ściślejszej analizy zjawisk i do bardziej świadomego tworzenia obrazu.

Analysis of painted items

Analysis of painted items.

Item analysis, which we use with these exercises, She should not be dry and meticulous, or rather vivid and comprehensive. If we observe, for example, a garden watering can, we find, that its main part is short, wide pipe with the bottom, na której

Picture from the show

Picture from the show.

A temporary form of exercise, which leads from the image from the imagination and reminders to the study by nature, There is a picture from the show. This exercise is about it, that items, which we intend to illustrate, we observe, analizujemy ich formę i następnie odtwarzamy je



Like decorative exercises, you can conduct sculptural exercises at all degrees of teaching, If the working conditions and discipline of the team allow it. Material, which we use for this, It's plasticine and sculptural clay. However, there is no doubt, że do lepienia nadaje