A brooch with stockings.
You can buy the brooch I presented in gifts stores, but made by hand will give you a lot of satisfaction and satisfaction. Old stockings or tights should be discolored (Preferably cooking "E" powder or soaking in the "Bielinka" solution, prepared according to the recipe on the packaging label). Then dye in the fabric paint in this color, in which you want to make a brooch.
A brooch with stockings: a-f) How to make individual parts, g) butterfly, h, i) flower.
Flower. Prepare 5 pieces of thin copper wires of length 6 cm. Turn the two ends of each wire with pins (drawing – a, b) 3 – 4 -shortly; Cut off the excess of the wire. Each such wire skeleton blow the right size with a square of stockings (drawing – d), collecting the whole at the wire twisting site. Stock -in stretch and twist (drawing – e), and at the point of spraining – sew with a thread in the right color. In this way, blow up all skeletons, which will be the flower's petals. Place the flakes with a place to sew up and sew with you (drawing – f). The center of the flower can be decorated with feathers in the color of stockings or beads (drawing – h). Then shape the wires with your fingers, giving them the right shape (drawing – i).
If you want to make a butterfly, take 2 Pieces of wire of length 6 cm i 2 Pieces of length 4 cm (drawing – b, c). Next, as in the case of a flower. You can decorate the wings' connection places (drawing – g).