For the toy you need two wooden slats around 25 cm and one length of length 8 cm, ANY, A piece of thin string and a piece of cardboard.
Gymnast: a) parts of the figurine, b) ready toy, c) sposób przełożenia …
DIY play
For the toy you need two wooden slats around 25 cm and one length of length 8 cm, ANY, A piece of thin string and a piece of cardboard.
Gymnast: a) parts of the figurine, b) ready toy, c) sposób przełożenia …
Working bear cub.
The following materials will be needed to make this toy: Two wooden slats thickness 5 mm, A piece of thin plywood or thick cardboard, pieces of thicker plywood, two shoemaker rivets or screws with nuts and pads, …
Colorful birds.
This toy consists of four wooden slats (with the dimensions given in the figure) connected by shoemaker or small screws and silhouettes of two birds cut from cardboard and glued to the slats with plant or vicel glue. Po zrobieniu otworów w …
Movable clown.
Movable clown: a) clown parts, b) Way of connecting parts, c) Other toy designs.
We cut the clown from cardboard or plywood according to the pattern shown in the figure – a. Before connecting, części pajaca należy pomalować zwykłymi szkolnymi farbkami według uznania i …
Tank – siren.
From a piece of ordinary strip with dimensions served in the drawing and the string can be made a very simple and interesting toy. A thin string of length should be dragged through the holes in the slat 1 m and tie his ends. That Bąk "Play", …
Picture – seed ornament.
Wanting to do this job, The seeds of various fruits should be collected in the summer and autumn (Not only edible). We store these seeds in containers after cream or kefir. There should be one type of seeds in each container.
Przygotuj pasek …
Plywood bookmark.
A plywood will be needed to make this tab (Even modeling plywood).
The figure shows the design of a plywood tab with a thickness 3 mm, decorated with electric firmer and poster paints. Podane wymiary zakładki można według własnego uznania …
Bookmark for books from Klisza.
You can make the second type of tab with a transparent perforated film, narrow pieces of bristol and several small dried flowers and leaves (drawing).
Cut a strap with dimensions from colorful cardboard 22 x2,5 cm. Wzdłuż paseczka przyklej kolorowe kwiatki …
When reading the book, a tab is very much needed, because thanks to it we mark the place, in which we finished reading. I suggest you make a canvas grandmother's bookmarks, film or wood (plywood).
Bookmarks, which you see in the drawing, są wykonane …
Spectacle case.
In a similar way to the key case, you can make a case for glasses. According to the form shown in the figure or other (own) Cut out two identical parts from the leather or Skaju. On the skin or Skaj at a distance 1 cm od …